Scott's Little Basses

Scott is releasing an album a month in 2016! Check the music page for links and info.



WHAT’S AVAILABLE DIRECTLY FROM SCOTT? Instruments, signed books, woodcraft? SHOP.

YouTube page
THE BIG PAGE OF A THOUSAND LINKS! (A work in progress for the rest of 2023)

Birdsong Guitars (Offsite link) Why anybody knows my name since about 2004.
A Craftsman’s Path (Parking Lot Press, 2018) For those inspired to work with their hands or in the arts, or who just want to connect deeper with their work. A call to arms and a hand from down the path. The book I wish I was handed heading into making a living as an artist or craftsperson, and a great read for those in their lives.
D’Aquila Guitars Boutique sculpted electric jazz guitars by Scott.
Scott’s Specials Including the Shortbass!
SD Curlee USA (Offsite link) A ‘70s company that ended up under the Birdsong wing after inspiring it in the first place.
The Birdsong Guitars Story
The Guitars of John Kirtland 2002-2007
Plus a gallery of his woodcraft and a few of the stories that can be told. “Uncle Johnny” was a friend and woodwork mentor; in his workshop in the woods, I showed him how to turn his woodcraft into guitars and he showed me how to turn my guitars into wood art.

All Things In Their Time (Album, 2021)
The Audio Notebook project
Simple, organic, acoustic archiving of my songs. In the capable hands of Jenni Finlay.
Personal Gear
Two Thumbs Up
(Album by The One Armed Saints, 2021)
American Bandwagon (album, 2001)
Earlier Albums & Discography

NOMADIC NOTATIONS (VanDweller, 1998), VanGo! …and other books... and…
VanDweller’s vans and traveling wheels through the years

Moondancer A look at the current 1982 stepvan housetruck and its travels that gets its own page!

Simple Living in Complicated Times (Parking Lot Press, 2023)
Together by Choice (on Intentional Community, Parking Lot Press, 2023)
Back To The Land & Simple Living
Basic Preparedness

Feel Better Anyway (Offsite link) An inspirational site encouraging positive next steps regardless of where one finds themselves.
Thoughts For Monday (FBA Vol. 1 book)
More Thoughts For Monday… And More! (FBA Vol. 2 book)

Morning Practice for Itinerant Souls 43 pages that will help get it together one first-thing-in-the-morning at a time.
Old Vans & New Plans Collected writings & poetry from the path on times of change.
Make Me One With Everything More collected thoughts and poetry, including from going back to the land in the early 2000s.
Seeker’s Companion Early 2000s notes from a seeker in three parts - trip journal from a music pilgrimage to San Francisco; words from the path going back to the land; and wisdom and teachings from a roadman on path and practice.

The story of a very ratty 1974 Plymouth Roadrunner
Alvin The near death and coming adventures of a 1962 Plymouth Valiant
Joe The Truck
If I get to be an old man driving an old pickup, I want it to be this 1974 Dodge D100.
Machines Past
Selected from around 50 vehicles. Every one with a story.
18 Seconds of Sheer Kinetic Oblivion Drag racing big rigs deep in the heart of Texas
Gallery of car & truck show pictures

Frank Sears
”Uncle Johnny” John Kirtland
Joy Lane

Thanks so much for checking in!

Scott Beckwith
(Calls only - he doesn’t text.)